A big cop out
Robin Henderson bows out.

Interim APD Chief Robin Henderson has taken herself out of the running to be permanent chief.
I don't have insight into Henderson's competence as an organizational leader or public safety strategist, but her baffling decision to sign a letter in support of pardoning Daniel Perry was solid evidence that she lacks the political judgment to lead APD. Any excuse that has filtered out of that office –– she was out of town and distracted, she was deferring to others etc –– only bolsters the case against her. Yes, she eventually did (or was convinced to do) the right thing, but how could she have thought for even a second that it would be a good idea to put her name on such a politically toxic cause?
The Henderson experience certainly underscores one of the advantages of an external hire. It's tough to reform a department you grew up in, especially if it comes at the expense of close friends. An outsider may be more willing to step on toes.